martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Mission and Objective

Our mission is to promote the transition from the old paradigm to the new one.
Our objective is to accompany People in the constant development of their vision put into action, in the service of an ever greater good (more inclusive, more all encompassing), as well as for the gathering together and mutual acknowledgement of Change-makers, and the creation of networks among them, contributing in this way, to the culmination with excellence of the passage from the old paradigm to the new one.
Any and every path we may open with this objective will, as a logical consequence, lead to success and prosperity for our Society, the Human Society.

Dreaming up the Future!

Project for Social Innovation and Education in Values “Creating Future through Dreaming”, promoted by Lur Gozoa, Platform for Conscious Citizenship, and directed by Rosana Agudo.

Experience developed on May the 19th of 2010 in San Felix Ikastetxea school (Ortuella), with the participation of students, teachers, parents, institutional representatives, associations, and people interested in education field.

The methodology “Creating Future through Dreaming” promotes interchange between diverse collectives, men and women from different generations as active individuals in the same level of responsibility and consideration; in equal conditions as citizens members of society. Allows to develop the deep listening to oneself and the others, facilitates relations based in respect and mutual comprehension, that trains to take in the Diversity of ways of understanding life, promotes self-motivation and entrepreneurship, favours also the collaboration between different collectives in the development of social responsibility projects and citizen participation. Moreover, fosters each person to see himself/herself as an individual with own criteria and to think for oneself. “Value one self’s vision” is very important to the growth of self esteem and self-confidence. Joined to “respect the vision of others” favours the formation of strong people with capacity to cooperate.
People from Lur Gozoa creators of the methodology stand out that, “we hear in the streets a growing demands of Innovation and we perceive over all the need of a Social Innovation, that requires a new way of thinking and seeing the World. The change that is demanded requires a new “look towards inside”. The manifestation of new achievements “in the outsider” in society, in the relations, in the families,…requires start a renewal “in the inside”, in our way of thinking, Keeling and conceiving reality. We have designed this methodology and we are promoting its put it practise in this way of Innovation that we find necessary and indispensable so that we can manifest something “really new”.

Creating Future through Dreaming is an initiative promoted by citizenship for the development of THEIR society, that integrates in a conscious way the recognition of the Inner Dimension for the development of an space, in each human being, that is a source of creativity, empowerment, action, Leadership and vision.

More information:


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What do we offer?

We offer:
  • Training processes and accompaniment in the development of “Vision to Action” Changemakers (See Programs)
  • Spaces for meetings and interaction among Changemakers.
For more information:

To whom we direct ourselves?

To People who feel themselves an impulse within to make changes in their personal life, in their everyday activity and in their work.

To People who want to help others make changes (coaches, trainers, consultants, therapists…)

To teachers who want to know and practice a methodology that takes maximum advantage of teaching, converting it into learning, and that want to participate in a Community of Teacher-Changemakers and consciously generate knowledge.

To those who identify themselves as Changemakers in any field: business people, artists, communicators, educators, politicians…

The Changemakers

Who are the leaders? Who are the Changemakers?
A Changemaker is someone who has a Dream inspired by an aspiration towards the evolution of our organizational structures: educational, economic, social etc., and who, in a spirit of service to humanity, is consciously involved in the realization of this process.  A Changemaker is a creator of Conscious Organizations, someone who is breaking away from the dosing of what is known and from the fear of the future, and who is beginning to live the ART OF CREATING WEALTH.

We identify two types of Changemakers: Pioneer Changemakers and Adaptive Changemakers.

Pioneer Changemakers are those who have as their mission the breaking down of the barriers in the Mental Model (individual, corporate, social, etc…) and the breaking down and/or transformating the structures of the group that supports the old paradigm.

The Adaptive Changemakers are those people who join the innovative process once it is underway, adapting themselves to the new tendencies and structures.

There are different levels of action for both Pioneer Changemakers and Adaptive Changemakers and both are present in every sphere and field: education, communication, economy, health, culture, politics….

Changemakers recognize each other.  They can become accustomed to sharing their creativity with others, to maintaining themselves in “sustained contact” with each other, and to nourishing themselves continuously with the power and the creative capacity of the other Changemakers with whom they interact.

They show outstanding valour in their willingness to be open in a not previously defined mental space, a space feared by the concrete mind that needs to cling to what is known so as not to feel threatened and vulnerable.

Changemakers are People who develop Self-aware Intelligence.

Increasingly Integral Vision, I.I.V.

Increasingly Integral Vision, I.I.V is the tool for seeing reality in an evermore profound and all-encompassing manner. It consists of the process of the discovery and unveiling of the “program”, that is, of the Mental Model that translates reality, conditioning the possibility of the perception of the connection between different realities and of elaborating strategies based on this connection.

To believe that what one sees or knows is “all there is” is, in itself, a limitation and an obstacle to seeing “beyond”.  To develop Increasingly Integral Vision involves learning to access Innovation, Innovative Creativity, and Knowledge Generation, and to make possible the offering of new value. Increasingly Integral Vision is that which is capable of comprehending the limits of the Mental Model that we are using and to overcome them.
Seeing a system doesn’t mean having systemic vision.  With I.I.V, we are more and more able to see and to establish connections between different systems such that we can elaborate strategies that are more far-reaching in space and time.

Increasingly Integral Vision also implies the capacity, not only of seeing ahead, but also of “understanding behind”, to get to the nucleus of things and to learn and understand their mechanics, such that we learn to look, to permit and to support the settling in of the New Paradigm.

We are not aware of the consequences or of the manifestation that is trying to develop as a function of our behaviour and of our desires (the origin of our present, that is to say, of our past).  When we say that “the new paradigm wants to manifest itself and we should learn to see it and to support its crystallization”, we are saying that we should understand the forces that act in the interior of individuals and groups, and that we should project ourselves from what we are, from the present, towards the future.  We should learn the inner mechanisms for achieving changes in our attitudes and the corresponding changes in any sphere in which we act. 

With respect to the development of the “capacity to see”, it is also to discover the fundamental processes common to all human beings, promoting the increasing development of our capabilities and the possibility of the evolution of our values and commitment.

Because, who sees?
People see.
What people?
First of all, the leaders, the Changemakers

What does it mean to develop One's Inner Dimension?

To develop one’s Self-aware Intelligence means to investigate within oneself and begins by getting to know the Mental Model and its relation to one’s emotions, and to acknowledge how the inner experience translates into behaviour.

The task begins by observing the permanence of thoughts and how they use emotions in order to remain, limiting the possibility of accessing creative spaces - spaces not limited by “what I already know”.  It begins by observing the mechanism that is used to insure the permanence of a particular Mental Model and how this mechanism influences a Person’s evolution and the capacity to amplify one’s vision.

The ability to “see” implies “to know first hand” (to experience); “to know” implies to discern, to discern implies to choose, and to choose implies perceiving possibilities, diagnosing, and applying measures and the most efficient kind of transformation for the moment and with the appropriate characteristics for each situation.  This poses a problem that, at the same time, is one of the characteristics of the new paradigm.


There are no fixed methods; there is an “organic method” 
subject to the ability of seeing

There is only Vision:  this is the tool

“Vision” is the tool, the super-tool that unifies and gives meaning and direction to all other tools.
“Vision” avoids fixing and/or diagnosing People and Organizations with particular methods or tools that gave results in the past.

The key word is VISION – PERSON
And this must be increasing:

The Inner Dimension: the Laboratory for developing the Self-aware Intelligence

The inner dimension is the inner space, the evolutionary space, the subjective space, the intangible space, the creative space, the space where vision is generated and from where I see, the space of experience, of how I live myself. It conditions behaviour, relationships, and the structures we create to organize ourselves.

The inner dimension is a uniquely human space and it is essential to recognize it and attend it.  In fact, social changes are propelled from the “I” sphere, as much in the interior (what we are), as in the exterior (what we do), even if it is the “we” sphere that demands change and expresses its need.

From the invisibility of this space, conciliation of family, professional and personal life becomes impossible.

From the invisibility of this space, it becomes impossible to repeat innovative and successful experiences when they emerge from “apparently” different contexts.

From our profound lack of knowledge about this space, its language, its need, its potential and its power, we are “calling” and, at the same time, we are closing the door to innovation and the Change in Paradigm.

It is important that all the methodology directed towards knowledge creation and towards processes related to a Person’s inner dimension, be caring, subtle, and compassionate and directed by People that accompany, support and experience in turn.
Licencia de Creative Commons
VisionToAction International School for Changemakers by Rosana Agudo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at