martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Increasingly Integral Vision, I.I.V.

Increasingly Integral Vision, I.I.V is the tool for seeing reality in an evermore profound and all-encompassing manner. It consists of the process of the discovery and unveiling of the “program”, that is, of the Mental Model that translates reality, conditioning the possibility of the perception of the connection between different realities and of elaborating strategies based on this connection.

To believe that what one sees or knows is “all there is” is, in itself, a limitation and an obstacle to seeing “beyond”.  To develop Increasingly Integral Vision involves learning to access Innovation, Innovative Creativity, and Knowledge Generation, and to make possible the offering of new value. Increasingly Integral Vision is that which is capable of comprehending the limits of the Mental Model that we are using and to overcome them.
Seeing a system doesn’t mean having systemic vision.  With I.I.V, we are more and more able to see and to establish connections between different systems such that we can elaborate strategies that are more far-reaching in space and time.

Increasingly Integral Vision also implies the capacity, not only of seeing ahead, but also of “understanding behind”, to get to the nucleus of things and to learn and understand their mechanics, such that we learn to look, to permit and to support the settling in of the New Paradigm.

We are not aware of the consequences or of the manifestation that is trying to develop as a function of our behaviour and of our desires (the origin of our present, that is to say, of our past).  When we say that “the new paradigm wants to manifest itself and we should learn to see it and to support its crystallization”, we are saying that we should understand the forces that act in the interior of individuals and groups, and that we should project ourselves from what we are, from the present, towards the future.  We should learn the inner mechanisms for achieving changes in our attitudes and the corresponding changes in any sphere in which we act. 

With respect to the development of the “capacity to see”, it is also to discover the fundamental processes common to all human beings, promoting the increasing development of our capabilities and the possibility of the evolution of our values and commitment.

Because, who sees?
People see.
What people?
First of all, the leaders, the Changemakers
Licencia de Creative Commons
VisionToAction International School for Changemakers by Rosana Agudo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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