martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

The Changemakers

Who are the leaders? Who are the Changemakers?
A Changemaker is someone who has a Dream inspired by an aspiration towards the evolution of our organizational structures: educational, economic, social etc., and who, in a spirit of service to humanity, is consciously involved in the realization of this process.  A Changemaker is a creator of Conscious Organizations, someone who is breaking away from the dosing of what is known and from the fear of the future, and who is beginning to live the ART OF CREATING WEALTH.

We identify two types of Changemakers: Pioneer Changemakers and Adaptive Changemakers.

Pioneer Changemakers are those who have as their mission the breaking down of the barriers in the Mental Model (individual, corporate, social, etc…) and the breaking down and/or transformating the structures of the group that supports the old paradigm.

The Adaptive Changemakers are those people who join the innovative process once it is underway, adapting themselves to the new tendencies and structures.

There are different levels of action for both Pioneer Changemakers and Adaptive Changemakers and both are present in every sphere and field: education, communication, economy, health, culture, politics….

Changemakers recognize each other.  They can become accustomed to sharing their creativity with others, to maintaining themselves in “sustained contact” with each other, and to nourishing themselves continuously with the power and the creative capacity of the other Changemakers with whom they interact.

They show outstanding valour in their willingness to be open in a not previously defined mental space, a space feared by the concrete mind that needs to cling to what is known so as not to feel threatened and vulnerable.

Changemakers are People who develop Self-aware Intelligence.
Licencia de Creative Commons
VisionToAction International School for Changemakers by Rosana Agudo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at