The inner dimension is the inner space, the evolutionary space, the subjective space, the intangible space, the creative space, the space where vision is generated and from where I see, the space of experience, of how I live myself. It conditions behaviour, relationships, and the structures we create to organize ourselves.
The inner dimension is a uniquely human space and it is essential to recognize it and attend it. In fact, social changes are propelled from the “I” sphere, as much in the interior (what we are), as in the exterior (what we do), even if it is the “we” sphere that demands change and expresses its need.
From the invisibility of this space, conciliation of family, professional and personal life becomes impossible.
From the invisibility of this space, it becomes impossible to repeat innovative and successful experiences when they emerge from “apparently” different contexts.
From our profound lack of knowledge about this space, its language, its need, its potential and its power, we are “calling” and, at the same time, we are closing the door to innovation and the Change in Paradigm.
It is important that all the methodology directed towards knowledge creation and towards processes related to a Person’s inner dimension, be caring, subtle, and compassionate and directed by People that accompany, support and experience in turn.